Field Closed

Flight Training
You will be able to see the various disciplines such as: Fixed Wing, Gliders, Helicopters and Control Line... all at the one venue.
New to flying? Your first point of call will be to an Instructor or Senior Club Member. They will be able to point you in the right direction, depending on what discipline takes your fancy.
Our Workshop is well equipped, where you can draw on the experience of real aviation old-timers, tool makers and just good old hard knocks. Find out what makes that model tick and maybe have a go at building your own.
Meet the Members
Our members come from all walks of life and you will find different groups getting together throughout the week. You'll catch the electric early birds, up at the crack of dawn most mornings or perhaps a Tuesday glider session is in order? Saturday sees a wide variety of models being flown (and usually a BBQ brekkie roll between 9am and 10am.)
About LARCS...
RC Pilots have been flying at our location since the late 60's with just a handful of modellers that enjoyed the hobby. Before long, more budding pilots arrived until finally, the Loganholme Aeromodellers Radio Control Society (LARCS) was formed and is now one of the largest clubs in Australia.
Some of the Best Facilities you will find at any club, with over 40 hectares of flat land, 3 separate flying areas, concreted pits areas, stainless benches, 240v power and a fully equipped workshop.
We also have a 1000 feet height ceiling, which provides for outstanding flight experiences! (especially for gliders.)